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Professor Coldren's Group
I. Researchers
- L. Johansson Post Doctoral Researcher, UCSB
- S. Ristic Post Doctoral Researcher, UCSB
II. Students
- SY. Chang Ph.D. Program
- SC. Chen Ph.D. Program
- SM. Dummer Ph.D. Program
- SR. Guzzon Ph.D. Program
- SJ. Klamkin Ph.D. Program
- SU. Krishnamachari Ph.D. Program
- SC. Lin Ph.D. Program
- SS. Nicholes Ph.D. Program
- SJ. Parker Ph.D. Program
- SN. Stoltz Ph.D. Program, now at UCLA
- SA. Tauke-Pedretti Ph.D. Program, now at Air Force Research Labs
- SC. Wang Ph.D. Program, now at Aerius Photonics, LLC
- SY. Zheng Ph.D. Program
III. Staff
- SD. Cohen Principal Development Engineer
- SJ. Roson Center Assistant, OTC
I. Faculty
- SD. Blumenthal UCSB
- SD. Bouwmeester UCSB
- SJ. Bowers UCSB
- SS. DenBaars UCSB
- SP. Petroff UCSB
- SM. Rodwell UCSB
- SS. Strauf Stevens Institute of Technology
II. Researchers
- SY. Akulova JDSU
- SJ. Barton Post Doctoral Researcher, UCSB (Blumenthal)
- SY. Choi Post Doctoral Researcher, UCSB (Hu)
- SH. Chou Post Doctoral Researcher, UCSB (Bowers), now at Luminent
- SK. Hennessy Post Doctoral Researcher, UCSB (Hu)
- SD. Lofgreen Raytheon
- SG. Morrison Apogee Photonics
- SJ. Nolde Naval Research Labs
- SH. Poulsen Post Doctoral Researcher, UCSB (Blumenthal)
- SJ. Raring Sandia National Labs
- SE. Skogen Sandia National Laboratories
- SM. Sysak Post Doctoral Researcher UCSB (Bowers)
- SD. Zibar Post Doctoral Researcher UCSB (Bowers), now at Com-DTU, Institute for Communication, Optics and Materials; Denmark
Collaborating Students
- SA. Badolato UCSB (Petroff)
- SN. Parthasarathy UCSB (Rodwell)
- SM. Rakher UCSB (Bouwmeester)
- SA. Ramaswamy UCSB (Bowers)
- SC. Sheldon UCSB (Rodwell)