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A.V. Barve, Y. Zheng, L.A. Johansson, A. Mehta, A. Husain, and L.A. Coldren,
“High Speed Polarization Modulation of Oxide Confined Asymmetric VCSELs in Multimode Regime”,
Proc. IEEE Photonics Conference, paper no. TuE2.3, Bellevue, WA (September 8-12, 2013)
A.V. Barve, Y. Zheng, L. Johansson, A. Mehta, A. Husain, and L.A. Coldren,
“Fast, Electronically Controlled Polarization Modulation of Multimode Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers by RF Frequency Modulation”,
Optics Express, vol. 21, iss. 25, pp. 31092-31097, Dec. 2013.
E. Bloch, H. Park, M. Lu, T. Reed, Z. Griffith, L.A. Johansson, L.A. Coldren, D. Ritter, and M.J. Rodwell,
“A 1-20 GHz All-Digital InP HBT Optical Wavelength Synthesis IC”,
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 61, (1), pp. 570-580, January 2013
Y-C Chang and L.A. Coldren,
“Design and Performance of High-Speed VCSELs”,
in Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Vol. 166, R. Michalzik, Ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2013, pp. 233-262.
L.A. Coldren, M. Lu, H. Park, E. Bloch, J.S. Parker, L.A. Johansson, and M.J. Rodwell,
“New Opportunities for Optical Phase-locked Loops in Coherent Photonics”,
Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference, paper no., OTh3H.5, Anaheim, CA (March 17-21, 2013) INVITED SPEAKER
L.A. Coldren,
“What is a Diode Laser Oscillator?”,
IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron.,Special Issue on Semiconductor Lasers 19 (4), pp. 1503503, July/August 2013
W.H. Guo, P.R.A. Binetti, C. Althouse, L.A. Johansson, and L.A. Coldren,
“InP Photonic Integrated Circuit with On-chip Tunable Laser Source for 2D Optical Beam Steering”,
Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference, paper no. OTH3I.7, Anaheim, CA (March 17-21, 2013)
W. Guo, P.R.A. Binetti, M.L. Masanovic, L.A. Johansson, and L.A. Coldren,
“Large-scale InP Photonic Integrated Circuit Packaged with Ball Grid Array for 2D Optical Beam Steering”,
Proc. IEEE Photonics Conference,paper no. ThE2.2, Bellevue, WA (September 8-12, 2013)
J. K. Doylend, M. J. R. Heck, J. T. Bovington, J. D. Peters, M. L. Davenport, L. A. Coldren, and J.
“Hybrid silicon free-space source with integrated beam steering”,
Proc. SPIE 8629, Silicon
Photonics Viii, vol. 862911, (March 2013).
M.M. Krstic, J.V. Crnjanski, M.L.Masanovic, L.A. Johansson, L.A. Coldren, and D. Gvozdic,
“Multi-Valued Stability Map of an Injection-Locked Semiconductor Laser”,
IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron.,Special Issue on Semiconductor Lasers, 19 (4), pp. 1501408, July/August 2013
C.H. Lin, B. J. Thibeault, Y. Zheng, M.J. Rodwell, L.A. Coldren, A. Mehta, and A. Husain,
“Ultra-compact, High-Yield Intra-Cavity Contacts for GaAs/AIGaAs-based Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers”,
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 31, (1), pp. 011205-01125-6, Jan/Feb 2013
M. Lu, H. Park, J.S. Parker, E. Bloch, A. Sivananthan, Z. Griffith, L.A. Johansson, M.J. Rodwell, and L.A. Coldren,
“A Heterodyne Optical Phase-locked Loop for Multiple Applications”,
Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference, paper no. OW3D.1, Anaheim, CA (March 17-21, 2013)
M. Lu, H. Park, A. Sivananthan, J.S. Parker, E. Bloch, L.A. Johansson, M.J. Rodwell, and L.A. Coldren,
“Monolithic Integration of a High-speed Widely-tunable Optical Coherent Receiver”,
Photonic Technology
Letters, 25, (11), pp. 1070-1080, June 1, 2013.
M. Lu, H. Park, E. Bloch, A. Sivananthan, J.S. Parker, Z. Griffith, L.A. Johansson, M.J. Rodwell, and L.A. Coldren,
“An Integrated 40 Gbit/s Optical Costas Receiver”,
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 31, (13), pp. 2244-2253, July 1, 2013
M.L. Masanovic, L.A. Johansson, J.S. Barton, W. Guo, M. Lu, and L.A. Coldren,
“High-performance InP/GaAs Based Photonic Integrated Circuits”,
Proc. CLEO Pacific Rim 2013, paper no. TuN1-2, Kyoto, Japan (June 30 – July 4, 2013) INVITED PAPER
M.L. Masanovic, and L.A. Coldren,
“Photonic Device Technology for Coherent Optical Communications”,
Telekomunikacije, Professional and Scientific Journal of the Serbian State Agency for Communications, 10, pp. 42-52, (December 2012).
H. Park, M. Piels, E. Bloch, M. Lu, A. Sivananthan, Z. Griffith, L.A. Johansson, J. Bowers, L.A. Coldren, and M.J. Rodwell,
“Integrated Circuits for Wavelength Division De-Multiplexing in the Electrical Domain”,
Proc. ECOC 2013, paper no. Mo.4.C.3, London, England (September 22-26, 2013)
J. Parker, M. Lu, H. Park, A. Sivananthan, E. Bloch, Z. Griffith, L.A. Johansson, M.J. Rodwell, and L.A. Coldren,
“Highly-stable Integrated InGaAsP/InP Mode-locked Laser and Optical Phase-locked Loop”,
Photonic Technology Letters, 25, (18), pp. 1851-1854, September 15, 2013
A. Sivananthan, H. Park, M. Lu, J.S. Parker, E. Bloch, L.A. Johansson, M.J. Rodwell, and L.A. Coldren,
“Monolithic Linewidth Narrowing of a Tunable SG-DBR Laser”,
Proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference, paper no. OTH3I.3, Anaheim, CA (March 17-21, 2013)
A. Sivananthan, H. Park, M. Lu, J.S. Parker, E. Bloch, L.A. Johansson, M.J. Rodwell, and L.A. Coldren,
“Integrated Linewidth Reduction of a Tunable SG-DBR Laser”,
Proc. CLEO 2013, paper no. CTu1L.2, San Jose, CA (June 9-14, 2013)
, P.R.A. Binetti, C. Althouse, M.L. Masanovic, H.P.M.M. Ambrosius, L.A. Johansson, and L.A. Coldren,
“Two-Dimensional Optical Beam Steering with InP-based Photonic Integrated Circuits”,
IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron., Special Issue on Semiconductor Lasers,19, (4), pp.6100212, July/August 2013 INVITED PAPER