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A. Bhardwaj, Y.Li, R. Wang, S. Jin, P.R. Herczfeld, J. E. Bowers, and L.A. Coldren,
“Non-spurious reception”,
Electronics Letters, 47 (19), p. 1055 (September 15, 2011)
A. Bhardwaj, Y.Li, R. Wang, S. Jin, P.R. Herczfeld, J. E. Bowers, and L.A. Coldren,
“Monolithic integration of high linearity attenuated counter-propagating optical phase-locked loop coherent receiver”,
Electronics Letters, 47 (19), pp. 1090-1092 (September 15, 2011)
D.J. Blumenthal, J. Barton, N. Beheshti, J.E. Bowers, E. Burmeister, L.A. Coldren, M. Dummer, G. Epps, A. Fang, Y. Ganjali, J. Garcia, B. Koch, V. Lal, E. Lively, J. Mack, M. Masanovic, N. McKeown, K. Nguyen, S. Nicholes, H. Park, B. Stamenic, A. Tauke-Pedrotti, H. Poulsen, and M. Sysak,
“Integrated Photonics for Low Power Packet Networking”,
Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 17, (2), pp. 458-471 (March/April 2011)
L.A. Coldren,
“Photonic ICs for Coherent Communications and Sensors”,
ACP 2011, Shanghai, China, (November 13-16, 2011) PLENARY TALK
L.A. Coldren, C.-H. Lin, and Y. Zheng,
“Efficient, High-Speed VCSELs for Optical Interconnects”,
Global COE International Symposium: VCSELS and Nanophotonics Innovation for Green ICT, paper no. D-2, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo (December 12, 2011)
L. A. Coldren,
“Semiconductor Laser Advances: The Middle Years Applications That Stimulated Advances 20 Years AgoAre Now the Latest Rage!”,
IEEE Photonics Society Newsletter, 25, (1), pp. 4-9 (February 2011) INVITED
L. A. Coldren, S. C. Nicholes, L. Johansson, S. Ristic, R. S. Guzzon, E. J. Norberg, U. Krishnamachari,
“High Performance InP-based Photonic ICs - a Tutorial”,
J. Lightwave Technology, 29, (4), pp. 554-570 (February 15, 2011) INVITED PAPER
J.K. Doylend, M.J.R. Heck, J.T. Bovington, J.D. Peters, L.A. Coldren, and J.E. Bowers,
“Two-dimensional free-space beam steering with an optical phased array on silicon-on-insulator”,
Optics Express, 19, (22), pp. 21595-21604 (October 2011)
W. Guo, P.A. Binetti, C. Althouse, A. Bhardwaj, J.K. Doylend, H.P.M. Ambrosius, LA. Johansson, and L.A. Coldren,
“InP Photonic Integrated Circuit for 2D Optical Beam Steering”,
IEEE Photonics Conference, paper no. ???, Arlington, VA (October 9-13, 2011)
R.S. Guzzon, E.J. Norberg, J. S. Parker, L. A. Johansson, and L.A. Coldren,
“Integrated InP-InGaAsP Tunable Coupled Ring Optical Bandpass Filters with Zero Insertion Loss”,
Optics Express, 19, (8), pp. 7816-7826 (April 11, 2011)
Y.-Jr. Hung, S.-L. Lee, B.J. Thibeault, and L.A. Coldren,
“Fabrication of Highly Ordered Silicon Nanowire Arrays With Controllable Sidewall Profiles for Achieving Low-Surface Reflection”,
Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 17, (4), pp. 869-877 (July/August 2011)
E. J. Norberg, R. S. Guzzon, J. S. Parker, L. A. Johansson and L. A. Coldren,
“Programmable Photonic Microwave Filters Monolithically Integrated in InP/InGaAsP.”,
Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE, vol.29, no. 11, pp. 1611-1619 (June 2011)
N. Julian, P. Mages, S. DenBaars, L.A. Coldren, P. Petroff, J.E. Bowers,
“Coalescence Phenomena in Narrow-Angle Stripe Epitaxial Lateral Overgrown InP by MOCVD”,
Proc. 2011 Electronic Materials Conference, paper no. JJ2, UC-Santa Barbara, CA (June 2011)
U. Krishnamachari, S. Ristic, C.-H. Chen, L. A. Johansson, A. Ramaswamy, J. Klamkin, E.J. Norberg, J.E. Bowers, and L.A. Coldren,
“InP/InGaAsP-Based Integrated 3-dB Trench Couplers for Ultra-Compact Coherent Receivers”,
Photonics Technology Letters, 23, (5), pp. 311-313 (March 2011)
Y. Li, A. Bhardwaj, L.A. Coldren, J.E. Bowers, and P. Herczfeld,
“ACP-OPLL Photonic Integrated Circuit For High Dynamic Range RF/Photonic Links”,
Proc. SPIE RF and Millimeter-Wave Photonics, paper no. 7936-15, San Francisco, CA (January 23, 2011)
Y. Li, A. Bhardwaj, R. Wang, S. Jin, L.A. Coldren, J.E. Bowers, and P. Herczfeld,
“All-Optical ACP-OPLL Photonic Integrated Circuit”,
Proc. IEEE MTT-S Int’l Microwave Symp., paper no. WE3C-4, Baltimore, MD (June 5-10, 2011)
Y. Li, A, Bhardwaj, R. Wang, S. Jin, L. A. Coldren, J. E. Bowers, and P. Herczfeld,
“A Monolithically Integrated ACP-OPLL Receiver for RF/Photonic Links”,
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23, (20), pp. 1475-1477 (October 15, 2011)
C.-H. Lin, Y. Zheng, M. Gross, M. J. W. Rodwell, and L. A. Coldren,
“High-Speed Potential of Field-Induced Charge-Separation Lasers for Short-link Applications”,
Proc. OFC/NOEFC 2011, paper no. OWD5, Los Angeles, CA (March 6-11, 2011)
C.-H. Lin, Y. Zheng, M. Gross, M.J.W. Rodwell, and L.A. Coldren,
“Lateral Carrier Injection with n-type Modulation-doped Quantum Wells in VCSELs”,
Proc. Device Research Conference, paper no. VII.A-3, UC-Santa Barbara, CA (June 20-22, 2011)
M. Lu, A. Bhardwaj, A. Sivananthan, L.A. Johansson, H. Park. E. Bloch, M.J. Rodwell, and L.A. Coldren,
“A Widely-tunable Integrated Coherent Optical Receiver Using a Phase-Locked Loop”,
IEEE Photonics Conference, paper no. ThL4, Arlington, VA (October 9-13, 2011)
P. Mages, N. Julian, C. Zhang, L.A. Coldren, S. DenBaars, and J.E. Bowers,
“Growth Habit Control of Epitaxial Lateral Overgrown InP on Si Substrates by MOCVD”,
Proc. 2011 Electronic Materials Conference, paper no. JJ3, UC-Santa Barbara, CA (June 2011)
M.L. Masanovic, J.S. Barton, J.S. Parker, S. Nicholes, E.F. Burmeister, B. Jevremovic, J.E. Bowers, and L.A. Coldren,
“Photonic Integrated Circuits for Optical Routing and Switching Applications”,
Proc. OFC/NOEFC, paper no. OThY1, Los Angeles, CA (March 6-11, 2011)
S. Nicholes, M.L. Masanovic, B. Jevremovic, E. Lively, L.A. Coldren, and D.J. Blumenthal,
“8-channel InP Monolithic Tunable Optical Router for Packet Forwarding”,
Proc. OFC/NOEFC, paper no. OThD1, Los Angeles, CA (March 6-11, 2011)
E.J. Norberg, J. S. Parker, S. C. Nicholes, B. Kim, U. Krishnamachari, and L. A. Coldren,
“Etched Beam Splitters in InP/InGaAsP”,
Optics Express, 19, (2), pp. 717-726 (January 2011)
E.J. Norberg, R. S. Guzzon, J.S. Parker, S. DenBaars, and L.A. Coldren,
“An InGaAsP/InP Integration Platform with Low Loss Deeply Etched Waveguides and Record SOA RF-linearity”,
ECOC, Geneva, Switzerland (September 18-22, 2011)
J.S. Parker, E.J. Norberg, R.S. Guzzon, S.C. Nicholes, L.A. Coldren,
“High Verticality InP/InGaAsP Etching in Cl2/H2/Ar Inductively Coupled Plasma For Photonic Integrated Circuits”,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 29, (1), pp. 011016-011020 (January 2011)
J.S. Parker, E.J. Norberg, Y. Hung, R.S. Guzzon, L.A. Coldren,
“Compact InGaAsP/InP Flattened Ring Lasers with Etched Beam Splitters”,
Proc. OFC/NFOEC 2011, paper no. OThP2, Los Angeles, CA (March 6-11, 2011)
J.S. Parker, E.J. Norberg, Y.J. Hung, B. Kim, R.S. Guzzon, L.A. Coldren,
“InP/InGaAsP Flattened Ring Lasers with Low-loss Etched Beam Splitters”,
Photonics Technology Letters, 23, (9), pp. 573-575 (May 2011)
J.S. Parker, P.R.A. Binetti, A. Bhardwaj, R. Guzzon, E. Norberg, Y. Hung, and L.A. Coldren,
“Comparison of Comb-Line Generation from InGaAsP/InP Integrated Ring Mode-locked Lasers”,
Proc. CLEO 2011, paper no. CTuV6, Baltimore, MD (May 1-6, 2011)
J.S. Parker, P.R.A. Binetti, Y-Jr. Hung, E.J. Norberg, L.A. Coldren,
“RIE Lag Directional Coupler based Integrated InGaAsP/InP Ring Mode-locked Laser”,
Proc. Device Research Conference, paper no. VII.A-5, UC-Santa Barbara, CA (June 20-22, 2011)
Y. Zheng, C.-H. Lin, and L.A. Coldren,
“Control of Polarization Phase Offset in Low Threshold Polarization Switching VCSELs”,
Photonic Technology Letters, 23 (5), pp. 305-307 (March 1, 2011)
Y. Zheng, C.-H. Lin, and L.A. Coldren,
“Implant Enhanced Dual Intracavity Polarization Switching Asymmetric Current Injected VCSELS”,
Proc. OFC/NFOEC 2011, paper no. JThA046, Los Angeles, CA (March 6-11, 2011)
Y. Zheng, C.-H. Lin, and L. A. Coldren,
“Output Polarization Dependence of Asymmetric Current Injection VCSELs on Crystalline Direction and Ion Implantation”,
Proc. 2011 Electronic Materials Conference, paper no. G6, UC-Santa Barbara, CA (June 2011)