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Maharry, A., Liu, J., Misak, S., Andrade, H., Valenzuela, L.A., Gilardi, G., Liao, S., Liu, A., Akulova, Y., Coldren, L. and Buckwalter, J.F.,,
“First demonstration of and O-band Coherent link for intra-date center applications”,
Journal of Lightwave Technology (June 2023)
Maharry, A., Andrade, H., Misak, S., Liu, J., Xia, Y., Wissing, A., Movaghar, G., Arrunategui-Norvick, V., Chansky, E.D., Du, X. and Saleh, A.A.,,
“Integrated SOAs enable energy-efficient intra-data center coherent links”,
Optics Express, 31(11), pp.17480-17493
Maharry A, Misak S, Andrade H, Liu J, Gilardi G, Liao S, Liu A, Akulova Y, Coldren L, Buckwalter JF, Schow CL,
“A 224 Gbps/A O-Band Coherent Link for Intra-Date Center Applications”,
In Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2023 Mar 5 (pp. M1E-5). Optica Publishing Group.
Chen, Elizabeth, Larry A. Coldren, and Joseph M. Kahn,
“Design of mode-locked semiconductor laser comb-based analog coherent links”,
Journal of Lightwave Technology (May 8, 2023)
Liu J, Maharry A, Wissing A, Andrade H, Misak S, Gilardi G, Liao S, Liu A, Akulova Y, Coldren L, Buckwalter JF,
“First O-band silicon coherent transmitter with integrated hybrid tunable laser and SOAs”,
In Silicon Photonics XVIII 2023 Mar 13 (Vol. 12426, pp. 66-70). SPIE.
You W, Dwivedi S, Faruque II, John DD, McFadden AP, Palmstrøm CJ, Coldren LA, Arafin S,
“Toward GaSb-Based Monolithically Integrated Widely-Tunable Lasers for Extended Short-and Mid-Wave Infrared Wavelengths”,
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 2023 Jan 16;59(1):1-9.
Du, Xinhong, Yujie Xia, Viviana Arrunategui Norvick, Aaron Zilkie, Guomin Yu, Roshanak Shafiiha, James Dalton, Larry Coldren, and Clint Schow,
“QPSK Transmitter Photonics Integrated Circuit (PIC) with Integrated Micro-Transfer-Printed EAMs and Custom Driver Compatible with 3D Integration ”,
In 2023 IEEE 73rd Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), pp. 732-736. IEEE, 2023.